Monday, August 30, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

My 3rd day in Boise, Idaho cycling and shooting

Capitol - Boise State Government Office

Having launch (Burrito)with Patrick
Patrick came after work 1.00pm, he took me cycling to Boise about 8km. We were cycling along the riverside. I met a few cyclist while biking

Some beautiful Mountain in Boise
In the evening Patrick took me for shooting target with two of his friends, They teach me how to shoot, they many types of gun. It first time in my life holding a short gun and pistol.
No joking it's real gun

Thursday, August 26, 2010

2rd day in Boise

Morning I wake up about 8.00am, when for a small walk to downtown Boise. Looks very clean and well organize town with good system roads for traffics

Old railway station which is no more in used. It's a muzeum now.

The University of Boise

Some beautiful flowers around Patrick's house

Evening Patrick and Hugens took me for Sixspear stage show
There is not less than 1000 people attending the show
Met some of Patrick's Working friends
The Americans love the show, me too love the show

My first day in Boise ,Idaho, USA

I landed in Portland Oregon, USA at 10.00am. My follow cyclist in from Boise, Idaho, pick me up. It was 6 hours jouney by car to his house. His web-page -

Patrick helping with my bike box

My first meal and my First picture with a beautiful American lady at the restoran

Patrick and Hugens